Cargill Nutrient System (CNS)

Utilising the vast amounts of raw materials sampling that Cargill undertake and depth of understanding of bird requirements and digestibility, Cargill have been the Cargill Nutrient System (CNS) which is applied to all their own products but can also be used in customers feed manufacture to ensure optimal nutrient requirements for birds at each specific production stage. This reduces nutrient waste, excretion, optimises feed efficiency through energy not used to exrete excess nutrients, and ensures optimal performance with the right nutrients provides in the correct amounts at the right time. 

TechBro Flex® and TechLay Flex® 

Simulation and dynamic prediction tools can be used to make educated decisions on farm to improve profitability. These tools take into a wide range of factors including the farm's data and parameters to gauge the best route to take for optimal profitability. Many producers do not take advantage of all the information they have at their fingertips to turn into valuable decision making data. Cargill have developed TechBro Flex® for broilers and TechLay Flex® for layers which are used to make these predictions and react to prices and requirements to ensure real-time updates of optimisation. On average an improvement in margin of 3.5% have been seen when these tools have been implicated.